News archiv of ASMET

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  • News archiv of ASMET
  • XII-I

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    we kindly inform you that from December 16, our company will carry out an inventory and during this time no orders will not be implemented.

    We are coming back to you after the Christmas break on January 2nd.

    All orders sent during the break will be handled successively starting from January 2nd.

    We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

    Greetings and wish you a healthy and joyful Christmas and a happy New Year!

  • X


    We are pleased to present films showing the ASMET company. Thanks to them you will learn what our production looks like every day.
    If you've ever wondered what the processes of creating exhaust system components look like, we hope that we will satisfy at least some of your curiosity. We invite you to watch!MULTIMEDIA.

  • IX

    Visit of the mayor

    Last week we had the honor of hosting the Mayor of Czersk - Przemysław Biesk Talewski in our plant. During the visit, we could boast about our history and how the company currently operates.
    Details of the visit can be found here: Visit of the mayor of CZERSK in the ARMET company.

  • 13 - 17 IX

    Automechanika Frankfurt 2022

    On September 13-17, after a break caused by COVID-19, we returned to the Automechanika fair in Frankfurt.
    The event attracted 78,000 visitors from 175 countries and 2,804 exhibitors from 70 countries.
    The fair boasts the title of the largest international platform for the automotive spare parts market.
    This year's edition has brought us many benefits - from fruitful meetings with current contractors to new contacts. Thank you to everyone who visited our stand!

  • 24.12-06.01
    Wesołych Świąt
  • 11 - 14 XI

    * BREAK *

    I would like to inform you that our company will be closed on 11-14/11/2021.
    From 15 XI 2021, we will be at your disposal again.

  • 1 - 4 VI

    * BREAK *

    I would like to inform you that our company will be closed on 1-4/06/2021.
    From 7 VI 2021, we will be at your disposal again. .

  • 11-14 VI


    I would like to inform you that our company will be closed on 11-14/06/2020.
    From 15 VI 2020, we will be at your disposal again.

  • 19 XII - 4 I


    I would like to inform you that our company will be closed on 19/12/2020 - 04/01/2021.

  • 7-8 XI


    On 7 and 8 November, the elite of the automotive industry met in the Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw, Nearly 800 participants, 20 thematic sessions, conducted by 80 speakers. Discussion on various topics, primary this time were, among others digitization, telematics, electromobility, CO2 emissions, and new European regulations.

    The event uniting the whole industry under one roof was opened by Alfred Franke. He is the originator and the president of the Association of Distributors and Manufacturers of Automotive Parts - the main organizer of the Congress. The President welcomed all the gathered, and in particular representatives of Ministries and organizations working for the benefit of the industry. The presence of representatives of international organizations such as FIGIEFA, CLEPA, EGEA and APRA. Congress began a topic devoted to women working in the theoretically "male" automotive industry. Already a year earlier, the myth that the industry related to the world of automotive parts was only a male domain was overthrowned, and the best support of this thesis may be the fact that currently in Poland, in the automotive sector, women are about 30% of all employees - for comparison in Germany in this sector, this is 18%.

    During the discussion, the subject of mechanisms for creating legal regulations in the European Union was discussed. The main areas of activity of SDCM and sample legislative areas for distributors and producers, currently are seeking by the Association, are also presented. Among them should be mentioned telematics systems, RMI information and the possibility of part identification via VIN for independent workshops, improvement of regulations regarding the operation of SKP and change of provisions regarding post-accident repairs.

    An important issue for which SDCM is also the reduction of the gray economy in automotive sector. For the benefit of OE producers, appropriate steps are taken related to new CO2 emission standards, promoting the sustainable development of electromobility, or minimizing problems arising from the announced Brexit, as well as issues related to the implementing provisions for approval.

    More details from the congress on the Motofocus.plwebsite.

  • 7-8 XI


    The representatives of the most important organizations and companies associated with the automotive industry will meet on November 7-8, as well as industry experts, politicians, and academic and academic communities. The next, thirteenth edition of the Congress of Industry and Automotive Market, organized on the initiative of SDCM, promises to be even more interesting and will certainly surprise with the diversity of issues raised.

    A detailed program of the event can be seen at

    We invite you to participate!

  • 27 IX


    It's about time to show off, because 2018 abounded in our participation in as many as three foreign motor shows! Emotions have subsided, so it's time to sum up.

    On the 16th of June you could visit our stand at Inter Cars Romania. During the fair in Brasov, we were also celebrating the 10th anniversary of Inter Cars Romania S.R.L., which resulted in a significant number of visitors, which estimated to be 6,000 people. Thanks to the perfect fine-tuning of all details by the organizers, we can confidently say that the fair was very successful.

    Then, the city of Plovdiv, June 30 - the perfect place for the first Inter Cars trade fair in Bulgaria. Despite the debut, everything is perfectly organized and we are sure that everyone who was there left satisfied. We too!

    We are currently in the last year - one of the most important and the largest in the automotive industry - AUTOMECHANIKA fair in Frankfurt.

    The next, 25th trade fair and subsequent records - 136 000 visitors from 181 countries, over 5000 exhibitors focused on the future and innovations of the automotive industry.

    We are proud to say that our company enjoyed great interest during all fairs. Thanks to our conversations with clients, we know what to look for in order to increase satisfaction from cooperation with us.

    We are grateful for such interest in our stand.

    We also thank the organizers for great cooperation and atmosphere!

    I invite you to watch the pictures below.

  • 23 VIII

    Product safety

    On our website, in the Guarantee tab, we have released a new Product safety document. Information important for each user. We encourage you to read its contents.

  • 24 VI

    Gala Inter Cars Romania

    On the 24th of June the company Asmet again took part in fair organized by Inter Cars Romania. This time event had more chamber and prestige nature, as it was dedicated to the best clients of society. During the day there was fair event, where suppliers presented their products, and in the evening there was time for official Gala, where the best clients were rewarded. As well as event as Gala took place in Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, that is the second building in the world in respect of surface. We encourage to see the video report:

  • 29 IV

    Expo Inter Cars Hungary

    In April 2017 the company Inter Cars organized its first fair in Hungary. In fair participated 40 exhibitors. Thanks for every person that visited our stand, and also for company Inter Cars Hungary for fantastic atmosphere, numerous trainings and productive meetings with customers. We’re waiting for the next Expo!

  • 22 XII

    Christmas holiday

    We inform, that company Asmet will be closed from 22th of December to 8th of January. We come back on the 9th of January.

  • 21-22 IX

    GORDON – Auto Show

    This year the company Gordon was celebrating its 25th anniversary and for this occasion solemn gala and fair was organized from 21th to 22th of October 2016. The company Asmet participated again in the event. All together there were more than 100 exhibitors and a lot of attractions as exhibition of monumental vehicles, motorization news, competitions, children zone, mini go-carts and others.

  • 13-17 IX

    Automechanika Fair in Fankfurt am Main

    DThank to everybody that visited our stand at Automechanika in Frankfurt from 13th to 17th of September! This fair is one of the most important events in automotive industry. During 5 days the fair was visited by 136 000 visitors from all of the world, and the number of exhibitors was 4 820! This year edition brought us a lot of benefits – new business contacts, news from automotive industry, as well as meeting with our current customers.

    The company Asmet has presented the new graphic design that harmonize with new website of the manufacturer. Our stand was mentioned also on the list of the most interesting booths of polish companies in Frankfurt, you can see photos here

    Official report you can see here:

  • 10-12 VI


    It was third time when we participated in Inter Cars Fair in Romania from 10th to 12th of June 2016. The main issue of the fair is motorization, this edition was visited by over 6 thousand of people from Romania, Bulgaria, Moldavia. Among sixty suppliers there were also polish companies such as WP, Romix, Lumag, Tedgum. Whole event took place on the area of the new warehouse in Brasov. There were also a lot of entertainments, concerts and shows for participant.

    As always it was a good opportunity to show new offer and present polish producers. We congratulate good organization of such event!

    We encourage to see photos and video relation here:

  • 11 III

    New graphic design of online catalogue ASMET

    ASMET polish producer of exhust systems made new graphic design of online catalogue accessible on the website New catalogue is modern, easy in usage and clear. You can find the article putting the details as car model, year, kind of fuel or engine capacity.

    As a target all mufflers will have authentic photos, to make sure that you choose the right product. Online catalogue is updating each time when we start to produce new products. It is the best and the most actual form of the offer.

    In the attachment there is short guide about new catalogue.
    New online catalogue is the announcement of more changes in graphic design of company.
    We encourage to visit new online catalogue

  • 18-20 IX

    15 Inter Cars Fair

    The company ASMET again participated in automotive fair orginized by one of the Polish distributors of spare part – Inter Cars.

    This year fair was unusual because of the 25th anniversary of Inter Cars. Whole event took place on National Stadion in Warsaw and over 100 thousand of guests visited the fair. There were guest form Poland, as well as from abroad.

    The amount of suppliers was 250 on 40 000m2. Inter Cars prepared a lot of entertainment for everybody, also for families with children. The main point of Saturday’s night was the concert of Roxette, because of the anniversary. Event was great opportunities to get business contacts and exchange experiences.

  • 5-9 IX


    14 SPARE PARTS, TOOLS AND GARAGE EQUIPMENT EXHIBITION FAIROnce again, at the airport in Warsaw Bemowo automotive fairs organized by Poland's largest distributor of spare parts, the company Inter Cars were held. Nearly 200 exhibitors and 40 thousand visitors visited the exhibition. The first day of the exhibition was devoted primarily for the media and business talks. On this day, like every year, the conference of Inter Cars SA Board was held. The development plans for the immediate future and the latest results of the Company were presented at the conference.

    Polish and foreign customers of IC visited fair at the weekend. The Exhibitors have prepared for them a number of trainings, competitions and gifts as well as advertising materials. Our presence at the fair was emphasized by our support for the campaign "I prefer Polish spare parts". The main attraction of the fair was the accompanying automotive event of Inter Cars Motor Show. It was attended by leading motorsports competitors. The event attracted a lot of interest among customers and exhibitors. The evening part - Night Motor Show which particularly impressed the arrived guests deserved special recognition.

    We thank all our customers who visited our exhibition stand.

  • 23 VI

    Expo Inter Cars Romania 2014

    Expo Inter Cars Romania 2014On 14-15.06.2014 the first time we took part in the Fair automotive Brasov organized by our distributor in Romania. Expo Inter Cars is one of the most prestigious auto show in Romania. In this year they reached a new record of more than 4,200 visitors.
    Among the exhibitors Polish quality also represented other companies ie. ROMIX (cufflinks car), WP (brake hoses) and one of our partners Campaign "automount Polish part of the" company LUMAG (friction linings, brake pads).
    We thank everyone who visited our stand and we invite you to next year's fair, which will take place on 20-21-.06.2015.

  • 30 IV

    Press conference of the Campaign "Mount the Polish part"

    On Thursday 04/17/2014 at the PAP Press Center in Warsaw held a press conference of the Campaign "Mount the Polish part", which aims to improve the image of Polish manufacturer of parts for cars and mobilize workshops to mount Polish part. The conference was attended by representatives of four companies: Holiday     •     ASMET - exhaust systems
        •     Lumag - friction linings
        •     ENZet - brake lines
        •     Tedgum - rubber parts and metal-rubber
    During the conference, they spoke with Catherine Helt's ASMET, Radosław Sypniewski from the company Lumag and invited an expert from the automotive market, Alfred Franke. After the conference, journalists' questions answered as Janusz Ossowski from the company Asmet, Zbigniew Niewiadomski, owner ENZet and Tadeusz Wojciechowski - Tedgum.
    During the conference the problem of used parts market, having a significant impact on road safety, and persuaded that the quality of Polish automotive parts does not differ from parts produced by renowned foreign companies, while in the country there is a stereotype that it is worse.
    Report from the conference has been described in many magazines information, we invite you to read.
    More information you can find, among others, on:,realizacje,konferencje-prasowe,67.html

    and the Polish Radio :,Producenci-czesci-zamiennych-walcza-ze-zlym-wizerunkiem

    25 III

    ASMET.EU mobile Website

    We would like to inform you that our website has gone mobile, i.e. it has been adapted to be viewed on various mobile devices such as mobile phones, smartphones, or tablets. Now you can quickly and easily check the information about the company, the news, the product information, and many other useful pieces of information in the form suited for mobile devices.

    Just enter the internet address in the browser of your mobile phone and the website will automatically adjust to the resolution of the screen of your device.

    ASMET.EU mobile Website Keeping up with time and technology we would like to invite you to like our webpage on Facebook, where we have our fanpage.

    Get to like us Get to like us !

    10 I


    VIII CONFERENCE OF INDEPENDENT AUTOMOTIVE MARKETIn November 2013, in Sobieski Hotel - Warsaw the VII Conference of the Association of Distributors and Manufacturers of Automotive Parts took place. The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Transport, Members of different political parties, representatives of industry and numerous organizations and institutions. The meeting was a summary of the year in the automotive industry and has traditionally raised legal issues governing the industry, which are relevant for the functioning of companies. The trends in the European aftermarket and overall situation in the automotive market were discussed. The operation of the telematics systems in practice and practical possibilities they create were presented and the issue, why proper legal regulations on this regard are so relevant was raised. The novelty of this year was an interactive debate about the automotive industry, prepared by Motofocus. During the meeting, the representatives of distribution companies and parts manufacturers participated in the study, called the Market Barometer, the results of which were presented on an ongoing basis , based on the collected votes .

    8 XI

    Moto innovation 2013 - Final

    Moto innovation 2013 - FinalIn this year's final edition of MotoInnowacje 2013, organized by the portal Motofocus, the final choice was made by the guests of 13 Inter Cars. Fair. They gave their votes in two categories - for the best innovative product and the best workshop equipment.

    Voting was possible through special access cards on the stands of Motofocus / TruckFocus and on the stands of exhibitors whose products were qualified for the finals. After counting the votes in the category of product it occurred that the company repeated its success of the last year. Second place went to ASMET.

    The third place was taken by the product of OSRAM. We would like to thank the voters for their votes on our product.

  • 6-8 IX


    13 FAIRS OF SPARE PARTS, TOOLS AND WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT13th Inter Cars fairs, took place on 6-8 September, at the Bemowo airport in Warsaw and as Motofocus portal wrote "13 Inter Cars fairs will be historic as a show of strength and potential of the Polish aftermarket". During the Fairs, in the business area, customers could look at the prepared by the exhibitors offers of spare parts, tools and workshop equipment. It was the perfect opportunity to see new products and technological innovations. Exposure, as in the previous years, took more than 20 000 m2, this making IC fair the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe.

    On the invitation of SDCM, the IC fairs special guest was a Prime Minister Janusz Piechociński. This visit was an excellent opportunity to showcase the independent automotive sector and highlight its contribution to the Polish economy. During the visit, Prime Minister personally visited a number of exhibition stands (among others stand of ASMET) where he had the opportunity to talk with representatives of the manufacturers of parts about presented products. As usual at the IC fairs could not miss Motor Show zone, where automotive shows took place.

  • 26-29 VIII


    AUTOMECHANIKA, MOSCOW 2013On 26-29 August 2013 ASMET participated in Automechanika fairs (patronage MIMS) in Moscow. Automechanika Moscow, bringing together over 1600 exhibitors from 46 countries, is the largest international business event in Russia and the CIS. According to the data from automobile manufacturers and European automotive companies, the Russian vehicle market shows growth in sales and production of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Therefore, a similar growth can be seen in the market of spare parts, maintenance and vehicles of the services sector. Automechanika Moscow has also shown increased interest from the suppliers and customers. This year's show took five pavilions of Expocentre. The total exhibition area exceeded 50,000 m2 .

    26 XI


    Moderne AbgasanlagenWe prepared the next publication of the catalogue in the book form. The catalogue received a new layout and was enriched with new elements of the exhaust systems. The new edition traditionally covers two–year period of catalogue’s validity. Our catalogue includes information and demonstrative graphics of exhaust systems for 31 brands of cars. Apart from the presented exhaust systems, the catalogue includes the offer of the repair elements manufactured by our Company as well as the graphics and referential numbers of assembly elements of Fischer Automotive One Company.

    For those of you who prefer to use the catalogues in the electronic version, we prepared a catalogue on CDs. The catalogues can be purchased from our distributors.

    We also invite you to use our on-line catalogue available at

  • 27 IX


    SPARE PARTS AUTOMOTIVE TRADE FAIRSLike every year, the turn of August and September was filled with events of the spare parts and garage equipment automotive trade fairs. The series of events was launched between 27.08 and 30.08 when the MIMS International Spare Parts and Car Accessories Fair Trades were opened under the patronage of Automechanika Moscow. This year’s trade fairs were held in the "Expocentre" international exhibition centre in Moscow. Their co-organizers were ITE Group and Messe Frankfurt. 1379 exhibitors from 36 countries were exhibiting their goods on the floor surface of 42 020 m2. The trade fairs were visited by about 16 thousand guests.

    Held during the trade fairs was the 3rd International Forum under the name of "Automotive industry and development of the auto parts market in Russia". The automotive market in Russia is developing rapidly so everyone, for whom this automotive market matters, readily takes part in the annual automotive trade fairs

  • 11-16 IX

    "Automechanika" in Frankfurt upon Main

    Automechanika in Frankfurt upon MainThe series of trade fairs were closed by the world’s largest international automotive event – "Automechanika" in Frankfurt upon Main. The event was held between 11.09 and 16.09. The Asmet Company took part in these trade fairs for the fifth time.

    This year, Automechanika set a new record of 4593 exhibitors from 74 countries and 148 000 visitors from 174 countries.

    The exhibitors, like in every edition, presented their offers in five thematic groups: Parts & Systems – spare parts, Repair & Maintenance – garage equipment, Accessories & Tuning – car accessories and tuning, IT & Management – software for the automotive industry, Service Station & Car Wash – equipment for service stations, petrol stations and carwashes.

  • 27 I


    The Community Centre in the city of Czersk hosted the annual meeting of the Mayor of Czersk with heads of organisational units, local entrepreneurs and representatives of associations.

    In the meeting, Młyńskie Koła - CZERSK 2011 Awards were given for achievements and activity for the benefit of the Czersk community. "Młyńskie Koła” is a symbolic award for exceptional achievements and activities undertaken for the the benefit of our local community. Awarded by the Mayor of Czersk, "Młyńskie Koła" have been given annually since 2006. Before the awarding ceremony began, Marek Jankowski, the Mayor of Czersk, had summarised work of local government in the past year and presented plans for the current year. Next, the Mayor, together with Ireneusz Bojanowski, the Chairman of the City Council, gave the awards. This year, the award in the "Business Development" category was given to ASMET Sp. z o.o. for economic efficiency, high quality of production and successful development of a company providing employment opportunities, as well as for promotion of Czersk in Poland and abroad. The award was collected by Krzysztof Jułkowski, the director of the company.

  • 02 I


    WEB KATALOG ASMETIn cooperation with the TecDoc company, we have prepared a new on-line catalogue founded on TecDoc data bases. The new Catalogue allows for browsing our offer specifying different searching criteria. Thanks to the Simple Search functionality, finding a suitable exhaust system according to the following criteria has been made quick and simple: make, model, manufacturing year, fuel type, engine capacity and horse power. WEB CATALOG ASMET The Advanced Search functionality additionally features searching based on the following numbers: Asmet catalogue number, OE (genuine part) number, reference numbers and TecDoc numbers (assigned to every vehicle). The new Catalogue, apart from the Polish version, is also available in four foreign languages: English, Czech, German and Russian. WEB KATALOG ASMETThe first issue of the catalogue (01/2012) will be available in the test (beta) version in parallel with the current catalogue and about 80% of our offer will be covered therein. Beginning with the second quarter of this year, only the on-line version of the Catalogue will be available and it will be updated quarterly. We look forward to your taking advantage of our new Catalogue.